I am so excited about my FANBOYS freebie...it will be a part of the new product I am working on going over Simple, Compound, & Complex sentences!! {Click on the image to find it as a freebie in my TpT store!}
Here's an organization tip that is helping in my classroom....
This tip has helped when I have wanted multiple sets of something & when I find a "#4" on the floor {sometimes the students don't get them ALL put away :-( when cleaning up} we just put it into the matching colored set! The Snowman Time! is a part of my friend Kelly's Snow Much Math! & the Simple, Compound, & Complex Task Cards are from Polka Dots in the Panhandle. Click on the covers to find them in their TpT Shops

Are any of your schools going through PBIS? {Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports} It is in our district and each school has signs showing their expectations...l LOVE our signs using Rocky, our mascot, ROCK'N our school!...I love saying to kids, "We ROCK the hallway by walking on the right side" & things like that...it helps that everyone is using the same terms..we had to come up with something for our classroom utilizing what we are doing throughout the school...at the bottom is what I did for my classroom...{Lovin' my Kimberly Geshwein fonts!}
I have shared before how much I love Lettering Delights. Just thought I would share again! Every Friday Lettering Delights has a freebie! This is the freebie for this weekend:
Another thing I like about LD is that you can access what you own {including any freebies you have received} anywhere that you have the internet! LD has fonts:
And Alphabets:
And so many wonderful graphics sets:
And if you have a Silhouette Cameo, they also have Cut Its to use on it!
LD runs lots of great sales where you can by fonts & alphabets for only $1 & they have coupon codes too! They are constantly coming out with such great new sets!!! If you are interested in checking them out I would GREATLY appreciate it if you click on my affiliate button on the bottom right!

Thank you so much for the product shout out! I LOVE how you have color coded them - what a great idea! Congrats to Sieanna!
ReplyDeleteOf course!!! Just keep remembering me when you have a giveaway!! One of these days some products WILL sale...patience & perseverance!