I am linking up with these great bloggers for 14 in 14! :)
My Favorite quote is from the Lego Movie. I love the message that it sends...how we are each so very special, and that yes, we all can be The Special...I liked it so much that I turned it into a freebie printable!!! Just click on the poster preview below to go to my store {feel free to look around while you are there;-D} and download for your classroom!
Wow, this one for me is the most difficult...I just don't have a favorite right now...I am going to go ask my husband what his favorite of mine is...well...he said he likes quite of few of my dresses & brought up this one...
I got started on reading the Divergent series thanks to my son Andrew...I did finish the 3rd book before he did...GREAT series!!!...we were so excited for the release of the movie, and although we both had several critiques of how they brought the book to life, we both really enjoyed it!
This was the easiest one for me no doubt about it...Once Upon a Time...as a matter of fact in a bit of a depression since there won't be any new episodes til March!!!!

I LOVE Mizthera Cheese Spaghetti from The Old Spaghetti Factory!! Most other places I have a variety of items I order...love variety, but when I get an opportunity to eat at The Old Spaghetti Factory, I ALWAYS order this...YUM!!!!
I have LOVED GoNoodle, a new addition to my classroom this year...if you have not yet tried it...DO!!...the kids love it, it is good for them, it is a powerful classroom management tool....WE LOVE GONOODLE!!!! {click on logo to go to GoNoodle}
This November I received one of the best gifts I have ever received...it is from a dear friend whom I taught with for 25 years...she has seen my ups and downs, the challenges our family has faced, and watched as I have struggled with liking myself at times...this gift cost no money, yet is of GREAT VALUE to me!!! This is the text I received at the beginning of November:
"I know you are going through some very hard times right now. I am always here for you if you need to talk. I am praying for you. I liked your comment that you joked with the kids in your class. (I prayed Tues. night that you would have a good day at school). I am going to try to send you a very quick text for every day left in November to remind you of your positive traits. Hopefully you will be able to focus more on the good things than the bad. (I know easier said than done). I should follow my own medicine. Take care of yourself so you can be healthy. Take one day at a time. God will be with you leading the way!" {Bold emphasis mine}
These are her texts:
"Mrs. Wilson is an awesome teacher!!!!!! Have a good day!!!"
"Nancy is a WONDERFUL mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Nancy is a great friend!!!!"
"Nancy is a loyal friend!!!"
"Nancy is trustworthy!
"Nancy is a very caring person."
"Nancy is always very generous in her personal life and in her professional life. She is always willing to share her ideas and materials with other teachers. This is much appreciated!!"
"Nancy is respected by her friends and coworkers."
"Nancy is creative"
"Nancy is patient"
"Nancy is a hard working person. She puts a lot of effort into her classroom teaching."
This pin comes from one of my favorite boards "Imagination Captured {Once Upon a Time, Hunger Games, Divergent}"
This year I really didn't get into the swing of posting again until November so any I could choose are pretty recent...I think one of my favorite posts was this one because it is part of what #3 is, my favorite memory! It also included family pictures as well! {click on picture to go to post}
I know I had talked about getting moving forward with TpT for literally years...this fall I finally 'Launched my Store'...although it has been a slow start I am going to keep moving forward.

This is my favorite picture from this year...it is bittersweet. It was taken on July 16th, my big sister's birthday. The day before her husband passed away...her feet are the golden toenails with the heart, the other toes are mine, the light nails are my sister-in-law's, & the blue are my daughter's. We all wanted to spend the day with my sister & make it special in a low key kind of way...we had cupcakes from a place that has won on Cupcake Wars...and just enjoyed special time loving and listening!
I was so blessed to be able to attend the first ever TpT Confernce and was able to learn so very much and meet or reconnect with so many amazing people! I pray I will be able to attend in 2015!
To blog here at least once every other week & focus on my one little word this year....so here's #1...
I am not sure when I figured out what creature/animal best describes me, but I definitely know what it is...a sea anemone...my family used to vacation in Baja California {Mexico} by the ocean & we would visit the tide pools...I loved climbing all over and exploring...one of my favorite creatures was the sea anemone...beautiful when opened up, but if it felt threatened closed up into an unattractive little green blob...now I may not turn green, but when I have felt insecure, threatened, or depressed I simply stop and retreat...this is something that I am praying to change...in 2014 I chose the word "ASK" as my word & you can read more about it here...so this year I prayed about what my word should be...thought of stretch, grow, forward, continue...and then it hit me and I knew what my word was...
I can't shutdown & go into my little blob & SEEK at the same time...it is action...it is moving forward...the Word says, 'if you seek, you WILL find' ...so there it is 14 in 14!!
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