Do any of you constantly have blog posts bouncing around in your head??? It seems I do, and it seems I have such a hard time...even in summer getting down everything I want to say!!! Well here's this week's attempt...we'll see if I get it all I want to say out before I need to get out of this house!

Last night after midnight I was trying to catch up on reading all of the wonderful blogs I try to follow...(I could seriously spent 24/7 on this computer & NEVER stay caught up!)...I was in my 'technology folder' on bloglovin and had 2 unread from one of my VERY favorite blogs, Technology Rocks. Seriously. Shannon shares some great technology & makes the best printables/posters ever! I have shared about her blogs/creations more than once here...anyway, she had shared about FREE programs from Lakeshore...after I checked out Lakeshore I came back to thank her & realized I don't follow her other blog Sweet Blessings on Bloglovin...I am now! I clicked over and read what is happening in her you are a woman (or man) of prayer, she is in need of prayer! She is facing a brain can read about her journey starting with this post...PLEASE if you don't already follower her, do so...let's shower her with love & support!!! I recently posted about a printable from her:
let's show her how much she DOES matter to us!!!
Sunday my family went to a celebration of Mr. Phillip Chavez's life. Mr. Chavez hired me when I was fresh out of college and I had the privilege of working for him for 9 years until he retired. He frequently told us that we were professionals (unfortunately I know there are administrators out there who DO NOT treat their teachers as professionals) Here is what I posted on Facebook & wrote in the online guest book:
I was so touched when his son, a friend whom I had lost contact with, shared what I wrote. It was so wonderful to see so many from our 'Montara Family' who had retired. He had a positive impact on so many!
I usually use the Ellison die cut apples at school to label my table groups...this year I made my own, laminated & cut them out...
I know me and how I tend to set things down and they get separated from the rest...I used avery labels on the back of all of my standards cards...
I used a 1/2 a box of RIT dye and let the clothes pins soak for quite a while...more in the future about these clips!
All you So. Cal. ladies there is a FREE Whole Brain Teaching Conference in Yucaipa on August 10th. I plan to be there...if you plan to go too please let me know...I'd love to have lunch with you!! The two one day conferences I have been to in the past have been two of THE BEST trainings I have EVER been to...I promise you WILL NOT be will be actively engaged the ENTIRE day!!
Feel free to link could be the first! ;-)