Sunday, April 26, 2015

5 for ?...Will it be Fraturday or Frunday?..yep Frunday...weekends go by too fast!

Well, we shall see how this post goes...lots of thoughts flying through my head & I think that there may be some cross over between the numbers below...

The A.MA.ZING of TpT {Teachers Pay Teachers}...
Erin Cobb of I'm Loving Lit is TpT's newest millionaire, yes MILLIONAIRE!!  So exciting that there is now an opportunity for teachers to share their creations with others and touch so many lives in a positive way.  I am so excited for her and the others who have had such great success!  

I was excited to share this information with my students, because they know of Ms. Cobb of our 6th grade teachers loves Erin's stuff & uses it constantly...when I was challenged with how to present a concept/skill that we had not taught in third grade before this year, I went to my fellow teacher & sought her advice...she said, "Erin explains it this way..." ...I took that explanation & added to it a bit...I wanted to create a product that included this idea but I wasn't sure if it would be taking her intellectual property so I emailed her with what I was doing & she gave me the thumbs up!!!...I am being vague because although it is up in my room, I haven't finished it for student's do know the story about how I developed what I used to teach them.

Congratulations Erin!! {clicking on her picture will take you to her blog!}

Erin is in the center bottom picture!  Last year at TpT conference...she will be the 1st speaker I hear this year!

Yesterday's art...painters tape & wet sidewalk chalk!  I LOVE the middle one! :-D  This student gave it to me to keep too!

I have blogged about redoing my classroom library to reflect AR levels.  Now, I am trying to learn Google Forms & Sites and incorporate them into managing the library...I am sure it will take a LONG time to get all of my books in, but this is what I have done so far...I added this to my classroom blog:

When the students click on the picture it takes them to this:

It's Sunday night & I want to hit the publish really nothing for #4 & #5!  Hopefully back next weekend with some more to share!

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