I do have many dreams for TpT...many are tied directly to my Mission Statement, which my last post dealt with...I want to ...develop & maintain meaningful relationships; ...inspire; ...make a positive difference....& I do have dreams of it paying for my font/clipart addictions & for it to pay for going to TpT conferences...these are dreams {& I guess you could say big dreams since I have made under $25 so far}...as well as helping our family out of financially challenging times....BUT...it says DREAM BIG!!!...so I know what is so STRONGLY on my heart...& I know it sounds like a Miss America Pageant answer...but here are some past blog posts to show some of my journey up to this place...THIS is why today's blog post is green...my older posts are in the original red...this is from 2 years ago after the 2nd Teacher Blogger Get Together in Vegas....
Have you ever had a time that you felt God was really trying to tell you something?? Not just subtly, but, Wham!..Are You Listening?...now it wasn't an audible voice, but boy, did it hit me....and believe it or not it was RIGHT IN THE BLOGGER MEET UP!!!!
Let me explain...
Several years ago I began to have a special place in my heart for the needs for orphans throughout the world...this is a portion of our family's Christmas letter that I posted here on my blog December 28, 2011...
then I had a post '11 Positives Added in 11' {11++11} and this was #6...
before this and since then I've had several situations related to orphan care and/or adoption 'fall into my lap'..I even have a board on Pinterest about orphan care but...over the last few months I have been kind of discouraged...feeling no direction in this area...nothing planned for this year's Orphan Sunday {the 1st Sunday in November} at our church...not sure if I should try to get something going.. had doubts this was an area of my life that I could make a difference ...just Monday I was literally thinking that I was just going to let it go...let the embers of this passion just cool off and go out...then I go to:
if you were there you know that there were a TON of raffle prizes I think 99% were DIRECTLY teacher related; TpT certificates (they sponsored the Meet-Up) teacher books, classroom materials, discounts to conferences, etc., but there was one that was different from the rest, Leigh Ann from:

This is a link to their blog about their adoption journey {above}