This summer I bought these markers:
I must say that I have been happier with the Elmer's Popperz pens than I have been with the Art Skills pens.
I started a board on Pinterest for 'Anchor Charts'. Some of the charts I pinned for the content, others the visual, artistic, or aesthetic qualities, and for some both. I am not naturally artistic so I need to get as much help as possible to make my charts appealing. You can view my Anchor Charts board HERE.
I have begun making charts for my classroom. Here is what I have so far:
I'll be adding what the students put onto the post-its onto the charts. Each child could take 3-5 post-its to add to any of the four charts.
I thought I had a picture of my 'Estimate the Difference's a lot like this one!
As I was searching on Pinterest for Anchor Charts I found Nancy's Anchor Chart Notebook,
which in turn lead me to her amazing blog, Teaching my Friends!
I loved this idea because I'm already running out of room in my class and it's only early October! Here is my version of the Anchor Chart Notebook:
I hope something here has inspired you too!!! Happy teaching!