Saturday, January 16, 2016

5 for Fraturday; Life Happens, A Google Find, One Word, Tuna & Dr. King?, & Sticky Notes

I shared this on Instagram yesterday.  I had started this post on Wednesday as one of my Wows! on Wednesday posts, but my daughter needed the computer for her homework...Thursday morning I created the Three on Thursday graphic to shift it one day...I had planned to work on it at Panera while my daughter was at dance {using their wifi} husband called & he had come into town & was finished with his errands {we live 25 miles out of town} so I told him to come join me...then my fibro hit...pain all over :( I headed home & went to bed...I did teach yesterday, but was struggling with my fibro all day, so once again~home & here it is Five for Fraturday!

In the past I had learned that there are some fun responses that you can get from "Okay Google..." such as "Okay Google, Beam me up Scotty." "Okay Google, What does the Fox Say?" Okay Google, do a Barrel Roll" but I discovered a fun response on accident!  I was talking with my son who loves comedy skits & realized he had never heard Abbott & Costello's Who's On First!! I was surprised...I wanted him to see it so I said, "Okay Google, Who's on First?"  I got a good laugh out of Google's response...have some fun & try all of the above & enjoy watching the classic & the Tonight Show's Sequel!

I was really pleased with the words my 3rd grade students came up with for their word for 2016.  They had to fill out a Google form in Google Classroom to tell me what their word is and why...the student who put 'water' wrote "knowledge flows in your head like water" ...they had the chance to create a display for their word...our two most common words were 'kind' & 'family' word is FIND...

 I keep this can of tuna in my cupboard & pull it out every January when I talk about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...I start with a little bit of the history of slavery, President Lincoln, the Civil War, & then talk about how things were not fair in the South around the time I was born {1965}...I feel that in order to talk about Dr. King, I have to start with Rosa Parks & tell her story...once I get to the part about the citizens discussing the bus boycott, I jump to the tuna...I began teaching in 1988 & at that time it had come to the public's attention that dolphin were dying in large numbers in the fishing of tuna...families decided to not eat tuna, I talk about how kids, just like them made a choice to not have tuna & their parents chose not buy tuna FOR A REASON...& that they were not going to until things 1990 the big 3 tuna companies agreed to only sell 'Dolphin Safe' tuna...the boycott worked...I love using this example to explain the concept of a boycott...then I move forward with discussion of the bus boycott, the challenges that it created, but the difference in our world that it made.

I am so excited to finally get these 2 sets up in my Teachers pay Teachers store!! They are 20% off tonight & tomorrow!  My students really enjoyed getting the Encouraging Set Notes on their desks this last week!

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